There are a hundred
great reasons why you should have a Virgin Pure System in your home. As we
thought that listing all one hundred reasons would get boring quite quickly, we
decided to just focus on our top 18.
Top benefits of
filtering water: from better taste to more fuel for exercise
1) Tastes better than normal
When the
Virgin Pure System dispenses your water for
you, we also triple-filter and purify it for you - which means it'll taste very
good indeed. Some people think water has no taste but maybe that's because they
haven't tasted decent, pure water the way it should be (shame!). Better tasting
water will magically make everything else you add it to so much better as well
- everything from your tea and coffee to your cooking.
2) Better for your health
Virgin Pure's filtration and purification process reduces
lots of the chlorine, bacteria and other naughty
contaminants that sneak into your tap water - therefore ensuring that it's
healthier to drink. Unlike this fancy-sounding 'reverse osmosis' gubbins, we
don't remove the naturally occurring minerals found in water (such as potassium
and calcium), so having a Virgin Pure System is just like having mineral water
on tap. Nice.
3) Makes it easy to drink more water
90% of our customers say they drink more water since they
had their Virgin Pure System installed. We all know that
we should drink more water, but actually doing
something about it seems to be such a challenge. It makes it far easier when
you have hot or cold, great-tasting purified water on tap... really, it does.
4) Helps your sugar free diet
The main sources of added sugar that regularly cause us to
exceed our recommended daily limit are fizzy drinks, squashes and fruit juices.
A diet of sugary drinks, even though counting toward your daily water intake, will
counteract any benefits of hydration. How will a water purifier benefit you on the quest to cut
down on sugar? To break this unhealthy habit, start by switching out one sugary
drink a day with a glass of the pure, fresh stuff straight from the water dispenser.
Having a
purified water dispenser makes it so much
easier to ditch the sugary drinks and top up your fluid quota with lots of the
good stuff. (Buying less sugary drinks will also save you money, bargain...)
5) Helps kids consume less sugar as well
Kids are consuming too much sugar - it's official. Following
a report from the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition, both Public
Health England and the World Health Organisation are warning parents about the
dangers of tooth decay and obesity that children having too much
added sugar in their everyday diet face.
The latest advice is that children should have no more than
the equivalent five teaspoons of added sugar in their food and drink a day. Many
soft drinks, juices and smoothies have much more than this in one individual
can or carton - some over twice as much.
But how do we make it cooler for the kids to drink water?
How do we get them to go sugar free and lure them away from the bright and
colourful bottles, cans and cartons of the sweet stuff marketed in their
specific direction? One of the benefits of drinking filtered water is that it’s so
convenient, tempting and tasty. That’s true for kids too!

6) Saves you money
The benefits of a home water filtration system might even
extend to your bank account. If you buy lots of bottled water then it should
work out cheaper to join Virgin Pure. At a cost of around four pounds a week
you get all the triple-filtered, purified, hot and cold water you want. The
more you drink, the cheaper it gets - it's not magic - it's just maths! Plus,
this is one of the best ways to save water too! Find out more with our easy
water-saving tips here.
7) Saves you space
If you store lots of water in the fridge to keep it cold,
joining Virgin Pure will also save you a bit of valuable space. Our System will
ensure your water is always nice and chilled any time you want, so no need to
stress. You'll also save a bit of space by finally ditching that dusty old
water filter jug you never use...
8) Instantly right for tea or coffee
Our System dispenses water at 92-96
° - the perfect temperature for
tea and coffee, apparently. So no more burned beans, leaves or tongues and no
more waiting for a crusty old kettle to boil. Instant hot water at the touch of
a button. Because when you want your caffeine, you want it NOW (or is that just
9) Boiling hot water on tap
The Virgin Pure System's extra-hot button will boost your
water to boiling in a flash - because we know that some people like it
really hot, really quick. This is very handy
indeed for filling pots and pans when you're cooking - so you can boil that
pasta or those potatoes in super quick time...
10) Adapts to mugs and glasses
One of the nattiest water purifier benefits is how much easier it
is to prepare our favourite drinks. Our super smart
puts you in proper control. You can set the Virgin
Pure System to dispense exactly the right amount of hot or cold water for your
favourite glass or mug. It even allows you to allow a little room for that dash
of milk (clever, eh?).
11) Keeps it chilled or ambient
No more storing huge bottles of stale water in the fridge or
running the tap for ages before it gets anywhere near cold. You can set the
Virgin Pure System to dispense your water at exactly the temperature you prefer
- anything from 10 to 50°. If you prefer your pure water at somewhere near room
temperature then there's even a 'mix' button which lets you choose your ratio
of hot and cold to create your own perfect mix.

12) Makes you look cool
It's not just our water that's super cool. The Virgin Pure
System has won an International Design Excellence Award, so we think we're
justified in saying we look cool. And if we look cool, then you look cool too
by having us in your kitchen.
13) No Chlorine
You know that stingy, pongy stuff they use to disinfect
swimming pools? Yup, that's also used to disinfect your drinking water.
That's why your tap water might taste a bit bitter and have
a slight whiff that really shouldn't be there. We really don't fancy too much
chemical disinfectant in our daily drink.
One of the benefits of drinking filtered water is that you can get rid
of all of that. A decent carbon filter will reduce the chlorine by 99%.
14) No nasty bits
Your drinking water may be relatively free of loads of dirt
when it leaves the water treatment works, but it travels a fair old distance
before it gets to your taps.
It could be travelling miles through rusty old pipes, and
that's even before it has to go through the pipework in your building, which
could also be donkey's years old.
Even though you can't always see bits of rust, sand and
other dirt coming out of your tap, it's there. Here’s what Virgin Pure's
filters pick up in a typical home:
●Volatile organic compounds
●Dirt and sediment
15) No bacteria
Aside from the chemicals and dirt that can get into your
water, perhaps the scariest of all is the thought of microorganisms. Ee-euw,
actual living little beasties lurking around stored water that can grow and
One of the benefits of water purifiers is that ultraviolet purification
zaps these little germs and stops them reproducing. This needs to be done once
any chlorine has been removed.
Think about it - if you haven't got chlorine in your drink
then you can't store it for too long or else bacteria will grow.
So, you really don't want to be storing opened bottles of
water or old jugs of filtered water because they could be swimming with germs.
16) Prevents scale build up
Our Water System uses clever technology to stop the white
flakes associated with scale, without removing the healthy minerals which form
17) Plenty of essential minerals
You don't want absolutely everything taken out of your
water, because natural, filtered water is healthy, right? It's healthy because
it’s packed full of essential minerals like Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium
that your body needs.
Some people are going crazy right now for 'reverse osmosis'
- but this method of purification takes everything out of the water - even the
essential minerals, so where's the good in that?
Purifying your mains water on demand the Virgin way and
leaving in the essential minerals means it's like having mineral water on tap.
Calcium helps you maintain strong bones. It also helps your
body carry out many important functions related to your muscles, nerves and
blood vessels.
Magnesium helps regulate muscle and nerve function, blood
sugar levels, and blood pressure. It’s also involved in making protein, bone,
and DNA.
A high-potassium diet can reduce blood pressure and water
retention. Potassium also helps protect against strokes, osteoporosis and
kidney stones.
You can find out more about the minerals in other types
of water, including purified, distilled and mineral with our article.
18) Purified water is the best exercise fuel
water benefits can extend to your workout routine too. If you're
exercising as much as you should be (at least around 2-3 hours a week according
to the NHS) then you need the right fuel to help keep you active.
You lose a lot of water while undertaking vigorous exercise,
so you need to keep your body's water balance on an even keel to prevent
debilitating dehydration.
It's pretty logical that you should at least be replacing
whatever water you sweat out. But there's a scary and confusing plethora of
radioactive-looking sports drinks and supplements out there that seem to
promise to turn you into an Olympic-class athlete. They must be good for you
In a previous article about the benefits of drinking water,
trusted expert and online fitness coach, Joe Wicks, puts us straight about
"I'm not a big fan of sports drinks or fizzy drinks. I
think people rely far too much on sugar energy than real energy derived from
macronutrients (fats, protein and carbohydrates). Sugar just causes the body to
crave even more junk food as blood sugar levels take a nose-dive.
Nothing is better than purified water for hydrating before,
during and after a workout so skip the sugary energy drinks and give your body
what it really needs - H2O."
Crisp tasting and refreshing water is a
perfect pick me up after a hard workout. Stick to the simple solution, and
you'll be on to a winner.
As you can see, there are plenty of filtered water benefits you can
enjoy. Having a water dispenser to hand could be the key to a healthier
lifestyle. Staying healthily hydrated throughout the day by drinking lots of
lovely purified water, rather than endless amounts of sugary drinks, will help
keep mind and body in good shape. A hot water dispenser will give you the added
benefit of variating from the chilled option, while still serving you with the
best tasting triple-filtered water.
If your regular tipple is tea or coffee, then a hot water
dispenser will have you chucking out your tired old kettle. Instant hot water
on tap will mean no more flat-tasting scaly water - and no waiting around for
it to boil. As well as saving time, a hot water dispenser will use less
electricity and cut down on water waste. The best quality water will improve
the taste of your favourite brew, which is helpful if you need encouragement to
drink a little more water every day. Just remember to
keep your caffeine intake in check. Try
decaffeinated drinks, or adding fresh lemon, ginger or mint to hot water for a
quick and easy health boost and taste kick.
Next, discover the amazing
skin benefits of drinking water with our handy